Starkes Industrieprofil

Reşiţa hat schon immer ein starkes industrielles Profil, zu seinen wichtigsten Arbeitgebern gehören seit langem etablierte Industrieunternehmen wie UCM Reşiţa (Maschinenbaufabrik) oder TMK Reşiţa (das ehemalige Stahlkombinat). Nach der industriellen Umstrukturierung in den postkommunistischen Jahrzehnten findet Reşiţa jetzt seinen eigenen Weg zu neuen Unternehmen und behält dabei sein industrielles Kernprofil bei.

Lokales Geschäftsumfeld

Von der Lebensmittelindustrie über die Produktion bis hin zum Dienstleistungssektor kann man in Reşiţa viele Beispiele für Wachstum und Unternehmertum finden. Die Stahlproduktion ist nach wie vor eine Hauptaktivität, die derzeit von TMK Reşiţa betrieben wird, in jüngster Zeit auch mit technologischen Investitionen. Zu den Investoren in Reşiţa, die sich derzeit in Expansion befinden, gehören Unternehmen wie Autoliv. Zu den lokal entwickelten Unternehmen gehören Unternehmen wie C + C und Pangram in der Lebensmittelproduktion oder Velocity in der Fahrradproduktion.


  • Autoliv produces in Reșița the textile components of airbags for the giants of the automotive industry. The company is one of the most important employers in the area, hiring over 900 people from the city and its surroundings. Furthermore, through the Dual School Program launched in 2017, the company participates in training future skilled workforce.

  • Pangram is the company that created Monte Banato, a brand for pasta that Romanians enjoy for over 20 years. The company has a production capacity of 10.000 tones per year reaching #1 in sales for pasta with egg and second place in the overall market share. The products are also exported in Hungary, Germany and the Republic of Moldova.
    Learn more on: http://www.montebanato.ro/

  • Prodmec was born in the 90’s and its mechanical manufacturing is highly appreciated in Europe through its complexity and quality. The company designs and manufactures equiments for the energy industry, exporting in Germany, Belgium, Czech Rep and Italy. Its over 100 employees are very well trained ingineers and skilled masters in their field. Prodmec is also part of the Dual School System launched in Reșița in 2017 helping youth to study and train as future skillful workers.

  • TMK it’s the company that bought Reșița Steel Works (Combinatul Siderurgic Reșița), one of the names that gave Reșița its industrial fame. At present times steel produced in Reșița continues to be top quality. 120-125 tons of steel melts in each melting pot for 2 – 2h30 at approx 1600 degrees Celsius.
    Learn more on: http://tmk-resita.tmk-artrom.eu/

  • A name with tradition in the local industrial heritage, UCMR now employes ~800 workers manufacturing components for the hidroenergetic industry, turbines and electric motors. The most impressive components leaving the factory weigh over 120 tones and are produced in wearhouses of 40m height.
    Learn more on: http://www.ucmr.ro/

  • The largest producer of bicycles in Romania, Velocity, produces and assembles exclusively for Decathlon an average of 1,400 to 2,000 pieces per day. In March 2017, the company reached the 2,500,000 bicycle milestone. Since its beginnings in 2008, following the trends and complying to the EU norms, the company has in its portfolio over 20 models appreciated worldwide.
    Learn more on: http://www.velocity.com.ro/


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